Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 65

1. I'm not dead from soreness! Which means two things: 1) the bath worked! And 2) I've still got it!
2. I've been doing a weird collage thing from my ceiling. It's looking pretty cool! It doesn't photograph well so you will just have to believe me.
3. Got to finally start watching psych again. It only airs episodes online 30 days after the original airdate. I just saw the Halloween episode.
4. Got my new Netflix in the mail. Chess: in concert. It's a musical themed to chess, but the whole chess theme is more of a life metaphor rather than a bishop and a knight singing together. At least I think so. I'll keep you posted tomorrow when there is nothing on tv.
5. A child at work has started saying my name! Okay, it sounds more like "Day" but I know who she means. Now to get the other ones started.
6. I'm still just so happy I danced. I can't wait to go back.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Days 59-64

Again, I'm going to summarize.
1. Started a new collage project on the ceiling of my sunroom. It's lots of fun.
2. My aunt took me shopping for my Christmas present. We went to vintage stores around town and had sooo much fun!
3. Thanksgiving was great! Made rolls from scratch and had a great time with my family.
4. Saw The Muppets. Ah, it was so good! A real tribute.
5. Started decorating for Christmas. I don't have a lot but it works!
6. Got my desk back finally! All my furniture is present and accounted for.
7. Mom helped me clean up my apartment. It looks so good now!
8. I have leftovers for about four days worth!
9. Mom gave me a bunch of groupons and gift cards to cover for the days I'm not paid over the holidays. I probably won't have to buy anything with my own money for awhile!
10. Went to a contemporary dance class, kept up, and fooled them into thinking I was a teenager coming from another studio. They were shocked that I hadn't danced in eight years.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 58

1. Remembered to bring the pumpkin cake to work.
2. Potluck means no buying lunch.
3. Everyone loved my pumpkin cake! There was nothing left of it and so many people asked for the recipe I had to write out an original and let people make copies.
4. Chatted with Dad about our dissatisfaction with BBVA Compass and our impending departure in favor of a credit union. Losing my paycheck was pretty much the last straw.
5. In bed by 10:30!
6. Family will be in town tonight which means I get to see them tomorrow!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Days 54-57

You know what? I'm not stressing myself about this. I'm giving you a summary of the last few days in no real order. You can deal, right?
1. Finished the last chair!
2. Got lots of sleep over the weekend.
3. Got some good groceries.
4. Had an amazing chiropractic adjustment which was sooo very needed. My back was a wreck.
5. Baking a pumpkin cake! My grandmother developed this recipe decades ago, and we make it every holiday.
6. Figured out I can hook my computer up to my tv and still reach to get Internet access! I've been watching Netflix and hulu on my tv since!
7. Emma came over on Friday! Lots of fun just chatting, eating an entire large pizza, and watching Jim Henson's "The Storyteller"

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Days 51, 52, and 53

Day 51
1. Babysat! Money!
2. Caught a yoga class afterwards. Kudalini yoga is so hard! Got a good burn though.
3. Went home for lunch. Got to see my penny!

Day 52
1. Cleaned a bit.
2. Saw the chiropractor during lunch. I adjust so much better in the middle of the day.
3. Got my table, the last chair for my project, and a china hutch! My uncle helped and we got it all set up before 9:30.

Day 53
1. Got to work on time.
2. Home for lunch. It's just so nice to come lay down on my bed.
3. Ate lunch sitting at my table!
4. Found some roach killing solutions (you die! Die!)
5. Got to put kids down for nap rather than shadow lunch tables today. There are only so many times a person can say "take bites! Use your spoon to scoop and bite!"
6. Thanksgiving is soon! Week from today!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 50

1. FIFTY DAYS of proving this is my year. Fifty!
2. Came home for lunch, which is always fun!
3. My aunt sent me some quilts her grandmother made. Lovely pieces of history! She also sent me a ton of wine corks!
4. Got my electricity bill and --I didn't imagine this was possible -- it was LOWER than last month's! $37. That's it! I'm an energy saving fiend!
5. Drove out to look at the table and china hutch. I think I'll be able to make them work! I'll only take one chair though so I can complete my color spectrum!
6. So glad I had a can of beans in the cabinet. Hooray, dinner!
7. Babysitting tomorrow. Hooray money!
8. Mom sent me a groupon! Yay free food!
9. I wore my favorite new vintage skirt to work. Only got a little yogurt on it and got lots of compliments!
10. I'm about to make the smoothie to end all smoothies.
11. I've done some tidying and the apartment looks halfway liveable!
12. Found out I'll be paid $15 an hour to babysit tomorrow!
13. Facebook discussion with my dad about time travel. I'm sure it doesn't need to be said that my dad is the coolest dad in the dading world.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 49

1. Penny let me sleep in until 11!
2. Finished my chairs! I just need one more and a table!
3. Absolutely impeccable hair day.
4. Finished Journeyman (why do time travel shows never last?)
5. Even though I shattered my screen my phone still works!
6. Got Penny some more heartworm preventative and registered her for a wellness plan. Unlimited vet visits, all her vaccines and tests, and 10% off procedures for $24 a month. Considering that visit and test alone plus heartworm stuff cost me over $188, I'm saving quite a bit.
7. Thanksgiving is soon! I'll get to see my family!
8. I may have found a table. For $75 they are selling it, four chairs, and a china hutch. I might take the lot and repurpose the extra three chairs. My uncle is going to help me transport.
9. Got a lot of progress done on the baby blanket. I'm already into the second color!
10. Discovered that I made some numerical mistakes. I thought this was day 47!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 48

1. Went table shopping. Didn't find anything but at least I got out of the house.
2. Finished the red and orange chair!
3. Found another Hulu addiction: Journeyman. I'm such a sucker for time travel shows.
4. Discovered I can mix wood stains like paint. And I now have the building blocks to get basically any color I want. So long as that color isn't a natural wood color.
5. Got part of the orange and yellow chair done. After that I just need to find and stain the blue and purple chair. And, you know, get a table.
6. Penny let me stay in bed until 10! Sort of.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 47

1. Started the next baby blanket!
3. The owner of the preschool where I work came in today and told us that we were awesome. She said we had a swarm of wonderful, loving, self-centered, "LOOK AT ME NOW!" kids and we were doing an amazing job. I'm holding on to that one for a while.
4. Got asked to babysit next week by a new family. Yay for expanding clientele!
5. My kids were extra huggy today. I hope I never forget to notice that and count it as a blessing.
6. Made some migas.
7. Caught up on missed tv
8. Going to sleep late, but with no alarm clock. I love Saturdays.
(Have you noticed my number seems to be 8 on this thing?)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 46

1. Got the climber switched out at work. No more stupid tunnel!
2. Ate lunch during naptime so I had time to hang out and just read during my lunch hour.
3. Went to a meeting for the labor support organization where I volunteer. Good group!
4. Yoga. Yes.
5. Not only yoga, but a yoga instructor who made me laugh
6. Gave yoga instructor pamphlet for said labor support organization. He and his partner are having a home birth with a doula present so they don't need it, but I told him to pass it along!
7. Got gasoline!
8. Fuel station attendant was having some awful pain so I referred him to my chiropractor. Hooray for being useful!
9. Home feeling relaxed and sleepy.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Days 44 and 45

Day 44
1. Good Chinese food for lunch
2. Caught up on HIMYM
3. Bank found my paycheck (long story!)
4. Stopped by the last part of a storytelling meeting. Hopefully I can see them next month.

Day 45
1. Chiropractor!
2. The breakfast taco guy ran after me to my car to give me my taco when I told him I had to leave right then or else I would be late
3. Managed to make it through the day with very little food in my system.
4. Tried to go to yoga but got there too late. Did yoga in my dining room instead.
5. Ready for bed by 10:30. And I haven't once turned on the tv.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Days 42 and 43

Day 42
1. Rain!
2. Got to my volunteer orientation.
3. Shopping at central market
4. Once Upon a Time
5. French Vanilla Coconut non-dairy non-soy creamer
6. Coconut nog
7. Worked on chairs

Day 43
1. laundry done
2. Delicious taco for lunch
3. Long talk with Mom
4. Read a lot while waiting for laundry
5. Moroccan Mint green tea with French vanilla coconut creamer
6. In bed before 11

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Days 40 and 41

Day 39
1. Friday!!!
2. PAYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. had a talk with my lead teacher about my feelings. She said I am doing a great job! I have a tendency to believe the worst until I hear anything good, so that was good to hear.
4. Came back from lunch to a fire truck by the school. All the kids were outside in their evacuation spots. Everything was fine but they had parents come early. I got off an hour early! And all our kids did really well.
5. Because I got off early, I got to stop by my favorite lys (local yarn store) and get some fun yarn! Baby yarn for my next baby knitting project an some sock yarn for a random weird scarf I'm making.
6. Got to spend the evening with my dear friend Shannon! We had such a good time and again, good talks.
7. Discovered the new comedy radio station in town!

Day 40
1. Stay in bed day.
2. I did manage to sped a little bit of time on my chair project. One coat of stripping agent on! It's still soaking because I don't know that I trust the stain on this chair.
3. My new neighbor invited me up to her apartment for drinks. New friend! I had like half of one, she and her friends had like a billion.
4. Good hair day!
5. I have tons of leftover candy from Halloween! Mmmm!
6. In bed and falling asleep by midnight!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Days 38 and 39

Day 38
1. Got to work on time.
2. Had a good chiropractic adjustment.
3. Managed to eat lunch on my way there. Spicy vegetarian sweet potato taco. It's spectacular.

Day 39
1. Made it through this crazy day!
2. Managed to keep somewhat calm in some frustrating situations with the kids. (weathered quite a few throw-your-head-back tantrums)
3. My lead said it looked like I had things under control.
4. I caught a kid biting right in front of my lead, which made me feel better about all the times she caught a kid biting right in front of me.
5. Got my volunteer orientation done! Partially.
6. Saw an opera. It could have been better but the lead role was played by a really great actress. She was pretty much wonderful.
7. Random guy sat next to me in the theater. I had fun pretending he was interested in me. We never exchanged a single word but gave lots of "hi! I'm sitting next to you but I don't know you so I'm trying to look approachable and not creepy" smiles. That counts for something.
8. Almost had to save someone who I thought was being chased by an attacker. She wasn't, but I was totally ready to ram that guy with my car and speed away to safety with her. I even made my car go "VROOOM" and drove up to them to find them hugging. Glad she was okay.
9. It's cold outside but my bed is super warm!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 37

Preface: I'm not gonna lie, kids, this day was hard and tiring and draining. Nevertheless, I am still convinced this is my year and committed to telling you why.
1. After a traumatic (for me) event that had me worried most of the day, my team had about a billion stories that put my mind at ease and reminded me kids get hurt on occasion.
2. Found out I will probably get to go to a conference I want to attend on scholarship from the parent association at work!
3. Got things squared away to meet up with the volunteer coordinator for the organization I hope to begin volunteering with soon! And we found a solution to the MMR 1 vaccine record for me being illegible. We can do a blood test to test for immunity or simply give me another shot. The nurse and I will talk later.
3. Thought I heard gunshots just now but it was a guy hitting his shoes together to get mud out.
4. Made some lovely spinach and mustard greens and chicken with curry and paprika and honey and sea salt. I love that I can be full after half a chicken breast. Leftovers!!!
5. I'm in bed and ready for it at 10:26. Perhaps I won't be so on edge tomorrow.