Monday, October 31, 2011

Days 35 and 36

Day 35
1. Slept until the sun burned through my blinds (about 10pm)
2. Finished my purple and red chair (see below!)
3. Had a lovely dinner with a friend and came home with at least three lunches worth in leftovers

Day 36
1. Got to work just in the nick of time
2. While at work, I got to see a ton of adorable costumes
3. Also while at work I managed to weather tons of craziness from the kids.
4. Got some lovely halloween candy for the trick or treaters who never showed up. That means, of course, I get ALL THE CANDY!
5. Finally got to catch the second episode of Once Upon a Time. I can't believe I have to wait a whole six days to see the next one.
6. Ending the evening with savory popcorn, candy, pumpkin beer, and the two best Halloween movies ever made: Hocus Pocus and Casper.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 34

1. Went to see a play! It was good!
2. It was put on by local doulas and I talked to one of them about shadowing some births. I'm going to join the local doula association so I can have a good network.
3. Started stripping a chair. This one will be purple and red!
4. Got some good groceries. It was great! I kept going around the store looking for favorite things and got super excited every time I found it. One of the great things about living in Central Texas: Fresh homemade warm tortillas at the bakery.
5. At the grocery store, I found coconut cream. As in half and half but made from coconuts. I've tested it and while its foaming properties leave something to be desired, it is a good substitute for something that will hurt my belly!
6. Ended the night knitting and listening to comedy radio.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 33

1. The weather is nice and cool! I hope I can find all my cold weather clothes
2. FRIDAY!!!!
3. chiropractor. We mostly laughed at how sore and stiff I was.
4. Put aside, for the most part, what I projected on the members of my team and just had a good time with the kids being me. It was a good day.
5. Babysitting.
6. Back before midnight!
7. Decemberists were on tv!
8. Nice hot tea before going to bed.
9. My A/C isn't going to have to work very hard at all!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 32

1. Found out last night there is a Celtic festival in town soon! I had just felt a longing in my heart to attend one, too.
2. Saw the girl I made the baby stuff for wearing the decoration for the present I gave her as a bracelet. It was just some leftover yarn braided and tied, but I'm glad she liked it that much!
3. Chinese food delivery! PLUS two fortune cookies.
4. One of the kids was really sensitive today, and the only person they wanted was, you guessed it, ME. Always makes me feel good.
5. Watching the Once Upon a Time pilot again. Love this show!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 31

1. A whole month of telling you why this year is my year!
2. Got rid of my farm boxes today! I'm looking forward to having money and fridge room again! I'll be going to farmers markets to get my produce from here on out.
3. Survived the first session of boot camp. I'm exhausted and my muscles will hate me for the rest of the week, but I made it!
4. Was told that I am very well-versed in my field and that they hope the people at work are paying me enough. That's always good to hear.
5. Got some greens and liked them! Also had the second half of a chicken breast and a sweet potato.
6. Good adjustment today at the chiropractor. Seems my back is nicer during my lunch break. Neck is NOT, but back is.
7. Got a shower and bath in (needed a good soak from that workout) tonight, so I can sleep in a little tomorrow. Ten minutes. Still good.
8. Got asked to babysit again! Hooray extra money!
9. Heard someone playing a pennywhistle today at lunch. They were quite good. It made me smile and reminisce about Celtic heritage festivals gone by.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 30

1. Had a nice chat with my lead teacher. I hope we can develop a friendship.
2. Had some funny moments with my one year olds. We cut open some pumpkins and my lead said we were going to put it in the sensory table to let them rot so the kids could experience the process. I said that sounded disgusting. Just then one of them started making the "omnomnom" sounds they make when eating. Just about died laughing.
3. Watched my Netflix movie, the most recent Jane Eyre. Would you believe they cut some of the most crucial scenes that pull the story from romance to gothic romance? They even cut the veil ripping scene! It's beautifully shot, but I'm glad I saw it through Netflix and not in theaters.
4. Finished my shrug! Quite warm. Now that I know they are this easy to make I am going to attempt one whose pattern I absolutely adored. Then on to more baby knits.
5. Had a lovely quick conversation with the woman behind me in line about my shoes and how I can't get away from purple. She said it was because purple is royalty.
6. Going to bed at like 10 pm. Yay sleep!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Days 28 and 29

Day 28
1. "Once Upon a Time" premiered. ohmygoodness that was wonderful! I definitely felt cheated that it was only an hour long. I've been waiting forever to see this and it's finally here! Did not disappoint.
2. Had a very restful day with my puppy. Perhaps I should feel guilty for not doing the dishes or cleaning or whatever, but I don't. I needed rest.
3. Finished "Being Erica". I had to find the last episodes on Youtube because Season 4 wasn't put on Hulu and you can't watch the online shows if you don't live in Canada. But I found them! I hope I can continue watching and keep up.
4. Knit some more. Found a wonderful stitch called the Daisy Stitch. I would link to a picture but I can't find one that does it justice. The stitch itself is wonderful, but the beauty of the stitch, in my opinion, can only be seen when you are looking through it into the light (as with so many things, I think). I am making a scarf for myself out of it.

Day 29
1. Switched shifts with my lead, which meant I worked the middle shift, which meant I got to leave work 45 minutes before I usually do!
2. Had dinner with one of my very dear friends I don't see too often. It was, as usual, a wonderful time. I am so glad to have friends I can see once in a six month period and feel no time has passed. (It would be quite lovely to see her more often, but what can you do?)
3. I finally got some unsolicited positive feedback from someone on my team at work!
4. I might finish it all off by watching Once Upon a Time again. I LOVE that show!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Days 25, 26, and 27

Day 25
1. Got some good affirmation from a boss
2. Finished knitting and weaving in ends for a baby gift
3. Got some good stuff with my HEB gift card
4. Bought myself some flowers
(Thursday was a hard day for me. Sometimes flowers help)

Day 26
1. She loved the baby gift!
2. Being Erica marathon
3. Started my first shrug knitting project

Day 27
1. Got lots of knitting done
2. Listened to bunches of NPR
3. Walked between two of the MANY festivals going on this weekend. Debating attending others tomorrow.
4. Wore my new skirt I got last week. It was perfect for the weather!
5. Literary Deathmatch. It's a yearly tradition for me. It's also awesome.
6. Since I spent the day alone, enjoyed a few inside jokes I have with only myself. I crack me up.
7. Babysitting now. Yaaay money!
8. Will probably finish this shrug tomorrow!
9. Prairie Home Companion with guest John Lithgow while laying upside down on my bed cuddling with Penny and knitting. Excellent.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 24

1) I'm starting to realize I have quite a few friends here if I just reach out! I have to itemize this one BIG proof so forgive the outline format
a. The woman who hired me and who is now in charge of continuing education and professional development came up to me today and asked me about a play I'd mentioned. I told her when it was again and she said 'Okay good, and are you going with anyone?' I said no, and she said 'Well can we go together?' and of course I said yes and then we did a silly happy jumpy thing because we are both ridiculous. She, honestly, is a big part of why I accepted the very odd offer they gave me in late July.
b. I was all set to go to a very exciting festival full of food alone on Saturday, but I decided to go ahead and ask people whose company I enjoyed. I didn't get definite plans from anyone, but very aloofly said that I would be around and I'd keep my phone handy if they wanted to meet up. I'm sure this festival and the other one I'll be walking back and forth between won't disappoint.
c. These people are actually excited about the chance to see me. [Sidebar-why does that always surprise me?]
So yes, exciting stuff.
2) I was stressed at the end of the day and one of the admin just decided to hang out with me and the kids. It seemed to help a bit.
3) The chiropractor worked HARD on my body today. I'm so glad for our standing appointments. I can't imagine how bad my back and neck would be with the amount of bending over, lifting, and carrying I do during the day if I didn't have her.
4) Penny decided to try to be cuddly. She really is such a sweet dog. She just couldn't get into the papasan chair with me. No way we'd fit like that tonight!
5) Watched more episodes of Being Erica but didn't overdo it tonight. I'm going to sleep before midnight tonight (I hope!)
6) Got another babysitting gig pinned down for Saturday night. That means more moolah! Hooray for cashflow! (Sadly that means cutting off another opportunity but I choose the bright side on this blog)
7) Very easily rescheduled one of my standing chiropractic appointments so I can try out my lead teacher's boot camp that she leads after work twice a week. I'm absolutely terrified because I'm so out of shape, but I'm looking forward to it. Maybe it'll be fun if it's with a group of people.
8) I don't think I can fully describe to you how much fun I have when putting sunscreen on these kids. One guy got a fauxhawk and another got an anime do worthy of Dragonball Z.
9) I have a bunch of inside jokes with myself. One I am reminded of every day at closing as I do the final wash-ups pictures me as Cinderella, in great melodrama, saying something like "gee, I wish I could go to the ball...." and it always makes me chuckle.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 23

1) used my free chick-fil-a sandwich!
2) slept in just enough but still got a shower in!
3) chatted with Mom
4) got to talk to Catia. Unfortunately we won't get to hang out this weekend but we had a fun chat anyway and we will have to settle for a phone date. BUT we did get to chat a bit
5) a few episodes of Being Erica
6) finished mittens and a baby hat. I may make a second one just in case she doesn't like it and to make something that fits a little better with the mittens. they are all super cute.
7) I get to wear yoga pants and t-shirts to work. Every day.
8) My lead teacher gave me a starbuck's gift card today for my birthday! Hooray for freeness!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Days 21 and 22

Day 21
1) got yarn for a baby knit project! Knitting things for babies is so fun because they are super cute and usually knit up really quickly. These did!
2) my aunt not only did laundry for me (long story) but gave me a huge care package. So blessed.
3) got the shelf hung on my wall in my bedroom. It's started looking More lived in already
4) knitted the first mitten of a hat and mitten set for baby V
5) watched about a billion episodes of mythbusters.

Day 22
1) TONS of compliments on my hair. Really that's the best part about coming back to work or school with a hair cut.
2) got pictures and posters up on my bedroom walls. Again, I am starting to make this place look like mine.
3) remembered to do my survey in time so I can get my free chick fil a sandwich.
4) best transition from lunch to nap time yet, in my opinion.
5) had a good phone convo with my dad. Somehow we went from discussing the crime scene I passed by yesterday to talking about artificial intelligence, cylons, and Battlestar Galactica. You know, the usual.
6) finished knitting the second mitten of the set. Now on to the fun part: designing the hat!
7) in bed earlier than I was last night. Knitting sure does make me forget to do basic self care.
Night, kiddos!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Days 19 and 20

Day 19
1) had a lovely lunch!
2) woke up and realized it was FRIDAY!
3) Internet was consistent so I got to catch the Psych season premiere on Hulu and have a bit of a "Being Erica" marathon.
4) finished off the amazing chocolate chip cookies
5) drank the last of my wonderful almond milk

Day 20
1) got a haircut!
2) got to explore some of the shops in between the salon and home
3) got a skirt at one of those shops at 50% off! $8 fall fashion!!
4) got chick-fil-a for lunch. Treat yourself!
5) did laundry at my aunt and uncle's house, yay free laundry in HE machines!
6) my aunt left two bags of groceries out for me. And an HEB giftcard.
7) babysitting! Hooray for catching up on missed tv and getting paid for it! Up next: Doogie Howser: MD.
8) I found looots of baby stuff I want to make. I have like 3 baby gifts and 2 sibling gifts to make. I'm so excited!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 18

1) great hair day today!
2) netflix movie came in: Follies in Concert with big names such as Elaine Strich, Carol Burnet (whom I love) an Mandy Patinkin (whom I also love), George Hearn, Barbara Cooke...Betty Comden and Adolph Green...
3) just found penny's brush! Yes!
4) had an encouraging talk with mom
5) got new shoes! $36 for a $60 pair and they are comfy as all get out! Running shoes. Lovely. Purple. And necessary, as my Simples literally fell apart today.
6) made chocolate chip cookies. Love.
7) penny is being super cuddly right now
8) I think I might get to turn off the a/c completely soon. Hooray for saving money!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 17

1) got to work with time to spare AGAIN!
2) had a conversation with my curly girl co worker all about curly hair and the hairstylist she recommended to me. Others looked on, mouth agape, at the level of care curly hair takes.
3) after witnessing the aftermath of something that will be really traumatic when the parties involved find out, I came home to a healthy, happy dog who hung around in the kitchen with me and somewhat patiently waited for our evening walk. After which she went crazy and threw my keys around for awhile.
4) had a good long talk with Catia about food, chairs, ideas, and the awesome weekend we will have when she comes to visit!
5) confirmed that I may go to my aunt and uncle's house on Saturday and do laundry for free!
6) farm box day, and it didn't go to waste. I baked up a sweet potato, sauteed sweet potato greens, and baked some chicken for dinner. It was excellent. Also made some pickles (hope it works! How long should they sit in the liquid?) and got like a billion apples, plus one with a leaf still attached. Adorable! I'm trying to figure out what to do with the shallots and pears.
7) got the Internet to work long enough to watch two episodes of "Being Erica" which is probably my guiltiest guilty pleasure on Hulu, with Doogie Howser, M. D. nowhere near it because I don't feel guilty for loving it. Being Erica is a Canadian drama where the main character gets to relive past events an make her life come out better. Or at least make her feel better about herself. It sounds like the later seasons are kind of crazy but I'm loving the first few episodes.
8) going to sleep a very content person. I have food for lunch, clothes for tomorrow and the next day, and a sweet sweet pup sleeping at my feet.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 16

1) woke up and got to work with like ten minutes to spare. Always nice to sit and be for a bit before joining the fray.
2) got the final chair. I'm not sure how I feel about it. It's kind of gigantic compared to my other five. My plan is to go ahead and stain it, keep my eyes open for new options, and if I don't like it, sell it.
3) a co worker made pumpkin bread mini muffins with cream cheese frosting for everyone. I definitely ate like four
4) my parents surprised me with $50 to spend on groceries. It will probably go toward Penny's bag of food in addition to my flour I need.
5) parenthood was great tonight
6) had a good conversation with a dear friend on the way home
7) today is the last day of my z-pack!
8) my kids at work were extra cuddly today. It was great!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 15

1) had inservice today which meant I got off work at 4 instead of 6!
2) also meant I got a free lunch
3) the director who hired me and I got to chat a bit. After training she pulled me aside and told me that the new director had mentioned on many occasions how impressed she was with me and how she holds me in high regard. That was pretty much the best ever.
4) I am almost ready for bed and it isn't even 10 PM. Maybe I'll get like a ton of sleep tonight?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 14

1) rain for the second day in a row!
2) made tomato soup and bread
3) had a lazy day with the pooch
4) found "Being Erica" on Hulu. I love those time travel/fix your life type shows!

Day 13

1) Woke up early, couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to be productive.
2) finished the green and blue chair for my color spectrum dining room. Before and after below.
3) took Penny on a huge walk through the neighborhood. She loved it an came back exhausted, which is good! I even had to tether her outside for a second to grab a soda at the gas station and she was so good!
4) got three more chairs for my color spectrum project and all the remaining materials except for finisher, which means all I lack is a chair. The chairs I got at a thrift store for $17 total, one of which was about $2.49.
5) finally hung up the shelf in my dining room which holds my cook books!
6) it rained off and on all day!
7) went to a Mediterranean Festival with Emma. She bought a silly jingly belly dancer skirt, I got an elephant garland the nice lady informed me would remove all the obstacles from my life, we split a spanakopita, three baklava, and a Shish-ka-bob, and I got to do a Greek dance with a bunch of people.
8) came home and it was only then that my body reminded me I was sick.
9) also, had leftover Chinese food for lunch and have more leftover for today!

Friday, October 7, 2011


1) woke up with pinkeye. BUT that meant I could go to the doctor before work and even be a little late. Once there, I got refills for the prescriptions I've been out of for a month, a z-pack for my other sickness, a breathing treatment, antibiotic eye drops, and a new rescue inhaler! (making lemonade here!)
2) the prescriptions were expensive, but Wednesday was pay day, and I got to use the $25 target gift card a parent gave me to help pay for it all.
3) I made it back to work with the low fuel light on. And made it to a gas station after work.
4) I had a consultation with a hairstylist a coworker recommended to me. She was AWESOME. Everything I wanted to hear came from her without prompting. It sounds like I've finally found an amazing stylist who listens and will make my hair look great!
5) finished staining the green and blue chair. Off to find another chair to be either orange and yellow or blue and purple!
6) ordered Chinese food. Awesome. This thing will last for like four meals!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 11

1) Managed to wake myself up at 5:30, get a cup of tea to help my asthma, and still get back to sleep for another hour.
2) Left the apartment in time to stop at Central Market and buy a muffin for myself! Chocolate and toffee with hazelnut!
3) Still made it to work with time to spare.
4) Had coffee with a friend from grad school. She had a smoked black tea, which smelled like campfire. It was amazing.
5) THEN had some time with ANOTHER friend from grad school and chatted about life while Penny made herself useful as cute dog who needs petting.
6) Stained some more of the second chair, a part of my color wheel project. (I'm getting six unmatched kitchen chairs and making them into a color wheel. Then I will get a table and they will be my regular dining chairs.)
7) Some more of my current obsession show: That Mitchell and Webb Look
8) Toast with honey and tea. On home made bread. Indeed.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 10

1) PAY DAY!!!!
2) not only that, but it was $82 more than I expected!
3) chick fil a for lunch. I love it so much!
4) had a staff activities committee meeting in one of my favorite parts of town
5) got a chiropractic adjustment and found out she can adjust my JAW! She worked on it a bit today. Maybe my ear pain will go away.
6) got to try pumpkin beer for the first time! It's excellent.
7) my Netflix movie came in. "Yellowbeard", a farce of pirate movies.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 9

1) made it to work just in the nick of time after leaving late.
2) had another encouraging talk with my support staff
3) lots of moments today where I was getting task oriented and a child I was helping stopped and gave me a big hug. That is a little awkward when changing a child's diaper, but precious nonetheless. Reminding me what's important. Win.
4) had a long talk with a far away friend today. It's always good to talk with her. No matter what we talk about I leave feeling filled.
5) got my tickets today during lunch and got back to work after getting turned around a couple times in this crazy city and made it back--you guessed it--just in time.

Monday, October 3, 2011

day 8

1) Woke up feeling sick but made it through the day WITH the absence of my lead teacher, who was doing conferences.
2) Chiropractor Monday. (let's all say aaaaaahhhhh)
3) Made it back to the apartment and found my check book in time to turn in my rent check AND made it back to work in time
4) Found out about a wonderful organization that provides free labor support to...well, women in labor. I don't know if it will work towards doula certification, but I still want to do it! Imagine!
5) Managed to catch the last 10 minutes of How I Met Your Mother
6) I can go to sleep right now if I want to. Isn't being graduated an amazing thing?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 7

1) made a whole week of postings! Hooray!
2) woke up on my own time and rested as I saw fit.
3) went to Whole Foods and spent my gift card on some lovelies, going a mere $12 over the card amount (which I had in cash!)
4) WON FOUR TICKETS TO THE MEDITERRANEAN FESTIVAL THIS WEEKEND!!!!! (I haven't won something in a long time!)
5) found out that not only is the gypsy trailer picnic on the weekend Catia comes to visit, but also the statewide book festival!
6) cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom, with only the living area and dining area left to be cleaned this week before Emma comes to visit in celebration of finishing Comprehensive Exams. (shouldn't be too bad)
7) baking bread in my bread maker. Hypnotic.
8) penny went crazy and ran around the apartment at top speed because I put a sticker around her leg. Quite entertaining.
9) reading some while I wait for my bread to finish. (a HPB find: "Politicizing Magic: An anthology of Russian and Soviet Fairy Tales". So far Baba Yaga is in all of them.)
10) I THINK I have enough clean clothes to last me through the week!